Brush holders and Brushes
The products selected by Enerspin are of primary brands, suitable for the different applications requested by our customers. The materials for the brushes vary in their composition ( electrographite, metagraphite and silver-graphite in different percentages), as well as for the brush holders (resin-brass, only brass, etc.) depending on the The application in which they must be used will have different dimensions, different connections and above all different resistivity coefficients and peripheral speeds allowed. In addition to the sale of these products, Enerspin supports the brushing service to improve the adhesion of the brushes to the rings and increase their performance. Enerspin distributes brush holders for all types of slip rings with holes of different sizes and suitable for all uses and methods of brush replacement. The models include the version with movable compass arms, fixed drawer, and charcoal holder.
Brush holders
- Brush holder with movable arms in resin-brass
- Brush holder with movable brass arms
- Brush holder with fixed drawer
- Brush holder with fixed drawer with angle adjustment
- Special brush holders
Metalgraffite brushes
Electrograffite brushes
Brushes in silvergraffite
Cubed brushes
Brushes with wire and cable lugs
Spoked brushes
Brushes with spring

Example of brush holder and two brass arms

Example of brush holder and two resin-brass arms

Example of brush holder with fixed brass drawer

Example of a non-radius cube brush